David C. Lubin
David C. Lubin

Network Visualizations

Beta Version: Relationships between Investment Banks & Ratings Agencies (select securitization markets); it seems as though Investment Banks work engage different Ratings Agencies when they co-Manage an issuance than when they do so on their own.

Bi-partite network analysis of CMBS issuers and their law firms (2013/2014 deals)

Heat Map of a Structured Finance Industry Group position paper (part of a developing Computational Content Analysis project)

Selected Securitization Organizations and Concepts

Geography of Securitization (March 2013)

Ego-based network; it is notable that Washington D.C. has higher network centrality than New York City in March 2013 (likely due to the regulatory environment)



I have compiled some datasets that span the history of various securitization financial markets, and am in the midst of analyzing this "big data" with a goal of rendering visible various relationships over time and related potential impacts. I am currently producing the following:


- Time Series Visualizations


- Dynamic Network Video (depicting organizations throughout the history of various securitization financial markets; using Gephi)


- Deal-Based Visualizations (using the iGraph package in Python and R)

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Copyright 2014; David C. Lubin